So now, the search for a new guitar moves from the LV05E to a Larrivee L09E! What an incredible insturment. Extremely playable and full of harmonic character, not to mention a bass that goes way down to here. The Maple binding around Rosewood back and sides perfectly frame this insturment. At $1400 @ Guitar Center.
Guitar Talk
"And Yey, though I walk through The Valley of Guitars..."
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
If you are contemplating purchasing a guitar and you are in a town with a Guitar Center location, I would definitely consider making your purchase there. I finally found the guitar I wanted but the cash wasn't here yet. So my sales associate, Goeff, took the $1400 Larrivee LV05E off the floor and put it on layaway for me, even though I didnt' put a dime down on it! I wouldn't do business anywhere else. I should have the money in hand in the next couple of weeks and BOOM, that mother is mine!